Feb 23, 2023Liked by Chinmay I

Love this article! Thanks for writing it. I'm going to share it with my friends the next time I feel like ranting about LVT and save myself some time.

> Landlords will also stop fighting to disallow new housing in their neighbourhood in the way that they do in NIMBY areas

Say you're in a city with LVT implemented. As the land value approaches zero and the rent of apartments more closely reflects supply and demand, wouldn't it still be in the Landlord's interests to restrict supply of new housing to increase the rent price of their own properties? Especially if it's not in their capacity to buy more property?

> Huh. No enterprising Charlie Hustle can do that, surely?

Netherlands would like to have a word: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_reclamation_in_the_Netherlands

Another interesting thing is the cities in Pennsylvania which actually have a weird dual LVT+Property tax scheme, where improvements are taxed at a lower rate than land is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_value_tax_in_the_United_States#Split-rate_taxation. It supposedly led to increased construction!

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Exceptionally well written! Although given the likely poor implementation of an LVT I would not wish it upon Sid and Maiteyi that they lived in an LVY regime

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